The Journal of Institute of Physiological Society of Nepal (JPSN), is the official journal of Physiological Society of Nepal (PSN). It is a scientific medical journal publishing papers in physiology and allied health sciences. The script of the journal is English. JPSN is published twice a year on June and December months of the year.
Manuscripts should be submitted via email to with subject “Manuscript Submission”.
All manuscripts received are duly acknowledged by the editorial office. The manuscripts undergo an initial editorial review for content and basic format. The approved manuscripts are forwarded for peer review. Manuscripts lacking originality, having serious scientific and/or technical flaws, and with little or no novelty may be rejected by the editorial team without proceeding to peer review.
The manuscripts are sent to two experts for peer-review. The approximate time for peer review is two to three months. Reviewers are selected by the editors and are blinded to information regarding authors and working institution. Authors are informed regarding reviewer’s decision and comments; and advised for revisions to the article accordingly. If there is any difference of opinion among reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision. Undue delay in response may require resubmission.
Articles accepted for publication will be copy edited and proofread. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, to be approved and need to be returned within three days. No response to proof copy may result into delayed or no publication.
The Editorial Board reserves the final right to accept or refuse the manuscript for publication.
According to The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations 2018), authorship should be based on the following four criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. The authors should also have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their co-authors.
JPSN publishes the following types of articles:
- Original Research: Reports of research activities on a particular topic through observation, surveys or experiments.
- Case Reports: New/interesting/very rare cases with some clinical significance or implications.
- Review: Systematic critical assessments of literature and data sources. Review articles in JPSN are only accepted as invited articles and from authors who have major contribution to the field of physiology.
- Letters to the Editor: Should be brief and evidence-based and provide new insight, make corrections, offer alternate theories, or request clarification about issues of concern
- Short communications:
Original articles
- Submission letter
- Declaration letter
- Authorship letter
- Ethical approval letter
- Manuscript
Case reports
- Submission letter
- Declaration letter
- Authorship letter
- Consent form
- Manuscript
Review articles
- Submission letter
- Declaration letter
- Authorship letter
- Manuscript
- Original Research: Up to 2500 words excluding references; up to 30 references; and abstract of maximum 300 words including 3-5 keywords.
- Case Reports: Up to 1000 words excluding references; up to 10 references; abstract of maximum 100 words including 3-5 keywords; and up to three photographs.
- Review: Up to 3500 words excluding references and abstract of maximum 350 words including 3-5 keywords.
- Letters to the Editor: Up to 400 words and five references.
A. JPSN format for Original articles
- Title page
- Manuscript page
- Title
- Authors
- Author affiliation
- Corresponding author
- Corresponding author affiliation and contact details
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Conflict of interest
- Acknowledgements
- References
B. JPSN format for Case reports
- Title page
- Manuscript page
- Title
- Authors
- Author affiliation
- Corresponding author
- Corresponding author affiliation and contact details
- Abstract
- Abstract text
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Case presentation
- Results
- Conclusion
- Conflict of interest
- Acknowledgements
- Consent
- References
C. JPSN format for Review articles
- Title page
- Manuscript page
- Title
- Authors
- Author affiliation
- Corresponding author
- Corresponding author affiliation and contact details
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Conflict of interest
- Acknowledgements
- References
Format for Title page
Title page of the submitted manuscripts should contain the following details.
- Type of manuscript : Original article/Case report/Review article
- Title of the article :
- Running title of the article : Short title of maximum 40 characters including spaces, indicating major features of the article
- Authors details
- Full name(s) of the author(s): First name(s), middle name(s) and family name(s)
- Full qualification of authors
- Designation of authors
- Affiliation of authors: The affiliations should comprise the department, institution, city and nation from which the work originated.
- Contact number and email addresses of authors
- Corresponding author details: Full name, full mailing address including mobile and e-mail address
- Manuscript details
- Number of pages
- Word count for abstract
- Word count for article text
- Number of images
- Number of tables
- Number of references
- Sources of financial support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, etc. if any
- Conflict of interest
- Acknowledgements
The total number of images and tables allowed is one per 500 words for original and review articles. Case reports are allowed up to three images.
Any conflict of interest should be included on a separate page or on pages immediately following the title page. JPSN reserves the right to send information on conflict of interest to reviewers. Manuscripts that discuss a specific instrument, equipment, device, drugs or methodology must contain a statement indicating whether the authors have a financial interest in the subject under discussion. Any sources of financial support should be listed along with the name(s) of the grantor(s).
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